Social Security
Our Process
About Your Initial Office Conference (IOC)
What You Need to Know:
Before our team can begin representing you before the Social Security Administration, we need some basic information about yourself and your disabilities.
Once you have submitted the online application, one of our team members will review the information and contact you to schedule an Initial Office Conference (IOC). The IOC should last approximately 60-90 minutes depending on the number of disabilities you have, the number of employers you have had, and how complicated your case may be. Please bring the following things with you to your IOC, if they apply:
- Proof of Veteran Status (DD214, VA Healthcare Card; Picture ID with Veteran Designation)
- Any Social Security paperwork you already have
- Any paystubs you have from either: (a) employment income; (b) self-employment income; or (c) unearned income (other state and federal benefits you may receive)
- The names, dates of birth, and social security numbers of all your depends, and your spouse
- A list of your current and past medical providers
- A list of your current medications
- Proof of 100% service-connection rating or payment at the 100% level for TDIU (this provides access to the SSA Wounded Warrior Program)
Bringing these items with you to your IOC will vastly improve the efficiency of this meeting, and allow us to focus on the most important thing: YOU!
Once you have completed the IOC, if you have not yet applied for benefits, we will do so on your behalf. Using all of the information you provided to us at your IOC, together with the years of knowledge and experience of our attorneys, we will put together the best, most thorough application we can manage and submit it to the Social Security Administration on your behalf.
Once you have completed the IOC, if you have already filed for benefits, we will jump right in and begin advocating for you to the Social Security Administration. We follow-up on medical record requests, speak with SSA monthly, and follow-up with you on a monthly basis to make sure we, and SSA, have all the information we could possibly need to get a favorable decision in your case.
The social security disability application process is long, mundane, frustrating, and exhausting; often only made worse by the physical or mental pain you are already suffering because of your disabilities. Let us take on that task so you can focus on the most important thing: your health. We are here to help walk you through the process, advocate on your behalf, and give you the best chance possible to collect the benefits you earned.
OSDRI Social Security Benefits & Services