Employment & Training
Our Employment and Training Program is focused on eliminating barriers by providing veterans and their families the employment and training services they need in order to re-enter the workforce
OSDRI works with Active Duty Military Personnel, National Guard, Reservists, Veterans and Military Families on a one-on-one basis to assist with:
- Job Placement
- Training
- Job Development
- Career counseling
- Resume preparation
- Education
OSDRI is the grant recipient for two major grants utilized to support the Employment and Training Program: The Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) – an employment focused competitive grant program of the Department of Labor, Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (DOL-VETS), the only federal grant to focus exclusively on competitive employment for homeless veterans.
OSDRI works with The Rhode Island Department of Labor and their Disabled Veteran Outreach Program (DVOP) within the American Job Center (AJC), to provide crossover services and additional coverage for eligible clients in need of HVRP assistance. Real Pathways Rhode Island – OSDRI’s Real Pathways Program funded through the Governor’s Workforce Board Real Pathways RI program.” Real Pathways RI invests in workforce partnerships that include education and training entities that specialize in advancing career pathways. Partnerships are demand-driven and linked to the larger workforce development network and is designed to help veterans and their families obtain employment, increase education and obtain appropriate credentials.
Who We Serve
OSDRI is proud to serve Active Duty Military Personnel, National Guard, Reservists, Veterans and Military Families.